Fender, a name synonymous with legendary instruments and groundbreaking technology, has finally turned its focus towards the bass guitar market with the release of the new Bassman effects pedal series. Designed specifically for bass players, this collection promises...
The ‘Double NFP MKII’ and ‘Double NFP-Special MKII’ filter preamps have been completely reinvented, featuring a new “Attack” boost for Treble frequencies, activated via a push-pull switch on the Volume control, with adjustable gain...
Aguilar Amps has introduced a special limited-edition pedal called the Subway Edition Tone Hammer Preamp/DI Pedal. This unique pedal pays homage to New York City, where Aguilar was born. Here are some details about it: Design: The Subway Edition Tone Hammer features...
Hey everyone! Some huge changes to Made For Bass! The biggest one being the online shop has been closed. But don’t worry, you will still be able to buy cool bass effects and gear from my Reverb Shop. I decided to close the online shop, which was hosted by...
Searching for new bass gear just got a whole lot easier thanks to the Bass Gear Database. The Bass Gear Database is a exactly what it sounds like; a database of gear designed for bass guitar. It is a fully searchable database with filters to help you find exactly what...
Aguilar Amplification have introduced a new micro distortion/fuzz pedal called Storm King. Check it out below. Distortion / Fuzz Pedal Majestic and mighty like its New York namesake, the Storm King Mountain, this micro pedal delivers a sound like no other. Its...